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My Services

Ocean Rocks

Mindfulness for Businesses

See how Mindfulness can benefit and support your workforce

How Mindfulness can help your business

Benefits include:
  • Reduced costs of staff absenteeism and turnover

  •  Increased productivity

  • Better employer/employee and client relationships

  • Increased resilience in individuals recovering from negative mental states

  • Better concentration, memory and learning skills

  • Greater job satisfaction

Mindfulness is a simple but very powerful practice of training to focus attention, which can have  wide-ranging  benefits, valuable to individual employees and organisations alike. Research has shown it to be very effective in reducing stress and anxiety.


Numerous studies have shown that through mindfulness training, individuals learn to better manage their ways of being in the world, which has particular business benefits and results in a return on any initial investment made in the training.


Investing in Mindfulness training can reduce the costs of absenteeism associated with stress-related conditions, as well as improving employee retention, satisfaction, and overall engagement.

If you are an organisation looking at the possibility of running a Mindfulness Stress Reduction Course for your staff

contact Jules to discuss your specific requirements.

Image by Sebastian Unrau

“Mindfulness promises a great number of desirable benefits, and is based on much more solid research than many competing ideas on how to change people.”


Paul Gibbons

 The Science of Successful Organizational Change: How Leaders Set Strategy, Change Behavior, and Create an Agile Culture

Courses For Businesses

Image by Paul Gilmore

An Introductory course to Mindfulness is a great way to create interest in Mindfulness.

It allows staff members to experience the meditation exercises and can gauge if that interest warrants the investment in a longer course.

The 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course is the gold standard. It was created to promote the progressive development of awareness of the present moment.

The course involves both psycho educational and experiential components that can benefit both individuals and organisations.

Image by Alejandro Piñero Amerio

Following any of the courses, we can organise follow up groups to sustain lessons learnt during the previous sessions.

Practising mindfulness in a group is a great way for like-minded people to come together and get support from each other.

Support Group
Image by ActionVance

"You can't stop the waves but you can learn how to surf."


Jon Kabat-Zinn

Jon Kabat-Zinn’s original Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programme

Today Mindfulness courses and workshops have been developed from Jon Kabat-Zinn’s original Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, which was developed to help people suffering with chronic physical pain and long-term medical conditions. It included meditation techniques to help participants become more aware of their experience in the present moment, by tuning into moment-to-moment changes in the mind and the body.

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